Category: Biological

Scientists unveil the ‘most clever CRISPR gadget’ so far – STAT

A new CRISPR system can switch single letters of the genome efficiently, in a way that scientists say could reliably repair many disease-causing mutations. Source: >>>

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Biological

Public Outraged by Trump Screw Job In Colorado – YouTube

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Editorial, Social

US elections a ‘charade’ – Ron Paul to FishTank – YouTube

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Hillary Clinton Financier Is Lobbying For Saudi Arabia | The Daily Caller

Clinton-linked firm has been lobbying for Saudis Source: Hillary Clinton Financier Is Lobbying For Saudi Arabia | The Daily Caller

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Editorial, Social

9/11 families slam Obama for “siding with Riyadh” – YouTube

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Editorial, Social

The Smoking Gun: “Document 17” Links Saudi Embassy In Washington To Sept 11 | Zero Hedge

According to a US memo, known as Document 17, which was written by two US investigators examining the possible roles of foreign governments in the >>>

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Social

Next Big Future: Many accurate enough chips will use software for correction to achieve up to 10,000 times higher speed and lower power usage

Source: Next Big Future: Many accurate enough chips will use software for correction to achieve up to 10,000 times higher speed and lower power usage

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Computer, CPU, Processors

Tasmanian Buyers Club? Doctors use loophole to supply more affordable hepatitis C medication – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Doctors are using a loophole to make life-saving hepatitis C medication more affordable. Source: Tasmanian Buyers Club? Doctors use loophole to supply more affordable hepatitis >>>

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Biological

A Military Coup in the U.S.? A Surprising Number of Americans Might Support One

Imagine you’re watching the evening news, kicking back after a long day in the cubicle. Suddenly a breaking news alert flashes across the screen: “Military >>>

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

Emergency Voter Suppression Lawsuit Filed In New York – YouTube

Posted: April 20, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social