Google Self-Driving Car Strikes Bus In Mountain View Accident | Re/code
It’s unclear if Google’s system was at fault. Source: Google Self-Driving Car Strikes Bus In Mountain View Accident | Re/code
It’s unclear if Google’s system was at fault. Source: Google Self-Driving Car Strikes Bus In Mountain View Accident | Re/code
The return of supersonic passenger air travel is one step closer to reality with NASA’s award of a contract for the preliminary design of a >>>
Unusual silica formations spotted by a NASA rover look a lot like structures formed by microbes around geysers on Earth Source: Mysterious Martian “Cauliflower” May >>>
U.S. spy agencies have told Congress that Hillary Clinton’s home computer server contained some emails that should have been treated as “top secret” because their >>>
Bug can trick web browsers into looking up shady domain names and would take years to patch. Source: Google, Red Hat discover critical DNS security >>>
A researcher reveals a flaw that allows Nissan Leaf cars’ heating and air-conditioning systems to be hijacked, and journey data leaked. Source: Nissan Leaf electric >>>
Gates is the poster boy for our 4th Amendment rights being trampled on even further/ Source: Bill Gates Says Apple is Wrong
Direct vehicle sales are being debated in Indianapolis. Source: Tesla: GM wrote a bill in Indiana to stop us from selling cars in the state >>>