First materials to be woven at the atomic and molecular levels created
Source: First materials to be woven at the atomic and molecular levels created
Source: First materials to be woven at the atomic and molecular levels created
A collaboration between Harvard Law School and Ravel Law has created a program called “Free the Law,” which will make American law open >>>
Dish’s telemarketers allegedly failed to heed no-call lists, and the satellite-TV provider may be fined up to $24 billion, a sum larger than the company’s Source: >>>
Skills and jobs displacement will affect every industry and geographical region, but losses can be offset by job growth in key areas. Source: The Future >>>
Planet would orbit the sun once every 15,000 years Source: Astronomers say a Neptune-sized planet lurks beyond Pluto
Recently, a 15-year-old student developed a test for dementia that identifies and slows the development of toxic proteins in the brain. Learn more. Source: 15-Year-Old >>>
The global catch of fish and seafood is falling at three times the rate reported by the United Nations and urgently needs to be slowed >>>
Source: New light-activated nanoparticles kill over 90% of antibiotic-resistant bacteria – ScienceAlert
Source: Physicists develop a cooling system for the processors of the future
Many wonderful theories that explain the evolution of the universe fail because they predict more dark matter than is actually out there. Now a new >>>