ISPs try to kill open-access fiber network, avoid competition | Ars Technica
In West Virginia, cable lobby and telcos rally against expanded broadband. Source: ISPs try to kill open-access fiber network, avoid competition | Ars Technica
In West Virginia, cable lobby and telcos rally against expanded broadband. Source: ISPs try to kill open-access fiber network, avoid competition | Ars Technica
Just when the news about lead poisoning the drinking water of Flint, Michigan, couldn’t get any worse. A report from The Guardian says many US >>>
Source: Red Hat OpenShift Review – Free & Open Source Linux Hosting For WordPress & Owncloud And Other PHP/JS/Java/Go/Python/Ruby/Rust Applications – The Linux Homefront Project
The findings challenge our understanding of the roots of conflict and suggest warfare may have a much older history than many researchers believe Source: ‘Merciless >>>
The billionaire polluter was on the American Museum of Natural History’s board for 23 years. No more. Source: Koch brother resigns from museum board after >>>
The very first experimental observations of knots in quantum matter have just been reported in Nature Physics. Source: News: Quantum knots are real