Category: Artificial Intelligence Computer Gadgetry Robotics Social

The Future of Jobs | World Economic Forum

Skills and jobs displacement will affect every industry and geographical region, but losses can be offset by job growth in key areas. Source: The Future >>>

Posted: January 20, 2016 in Artificial Intelligence, Computer, Gadgetry, Robotics, Social

Astronomers say a Neptune-sized planet lurks beyond Pluto

Planet would orbit the sun once every 15,000 years Source: Astronomers say a Neptune-sized planet lurks beyond Pluto

Posted: January 20, 2016 in Uncategorized

15-Year-Old Student Develops Test for Dementia

Recently, a 15-year-old student developed a test for dementia that identifies and slows the development of toxic proteins in the brain. Learn more. Source: 15-Year-Old >>>

Posted: January 20, 2016 in Biological