Category: Energy Transportation

Ford Announces $4.5 Billion Investment In “New” Electrified Vehicles

Updated 2017 Ford Focus Electric to get DC fast charging and 100-mile range (image credit: Ford Motor Company) At Ford Motor Company’s annual December media >>>

Posted: December 11, 2015 in Energy, Transportation

Recyclable bioplastics cooled down, cooked up in CSU chem lab | SOURCE

Chemists have concocted a completely recyclable, biodegradable polymer, paving a potential new road to truly sustainable, petroleum-free plastics. Source: Recyclable bioplastics cooled down, cooked up >>>

Posted: December 10, 2015 in Environmental, Gadgetry

The first plasma: the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device is now in operation

Start of operation and first plasma in the Wendelstein 7-X fusion research device at IPP Greifswald Source: The first plasma: the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device >>>

Posted: December 10, 2015 in Energy, Nuclear

Quantum physics problem proved unsolvable: Godel and Turing enter quantum physics

Source: Quantum physics problem proved unsolvable: Godel and Turing enter quantum physics

Posted: December 9, 2015 in Quantum Physics

Saturn’s largest moon glows green in new image released by NASA

NASA releases a composite image of Saturn’s moon Titan, taken using near-infrared light, which reveals the Earth-like dunes, rivers and lakes of its surface. Source: >>>

Posted: December 9, 2015 in Space

Google says its quantum computer is more than 100 million times faster than a regular computer chip | VentureBeat | Business | by Jordan Novet

Google appears to be more confident about the technical capabilities of its D-Wave 2X quantum computer, which it operates alongside NASA at the U.S. space >>>

Posted: December 8, 2015 in Computer, Processors, Quantum Physics

In Kazakhstan, Internet backdoors you! | CSO Online

Source: In Kazakhstan, Internet backdoors you! | CSO Online

Posted: December 8, 2015 in Computer, Security

Chemical flavorings found in e-cigarettes linked to lung disease | Harvard Gazette

A Harvard study links chemicals used in flavored electronic cigarettes to cases of severe respiratory disease. Source: Chemical flavorings found in e-cigarettes linked to lung >>>

Posted: December 8, 2015 in Biological

American satellite started transmitting 46 years after being abandoned in 1967

An American satellite, abandoned in 1967 as a piece of Space Junk has begun transmitting again after 46 years. Lincoln Experimental Satellite Source: American satellite >>>

Posted: December 8, 2015 in Uncategorized

Advent tip #7: Do I really still need Flash? No. No you don’t. | Naked Security

e Source: Advent tip #7: Do I really still need Flash? No. No you don’t. | Naked Security

Posted: December 7, 2015 in Computer, Security