Category: Computer Security

FBI director renews push for back doors, urging vendors to change business models | Network World

FBI Director James Comey still wants encryption backdoors, says tech companies understand his need for them. Source: FBI director renews push for back doors, urging >>>

Posted: December 13, 2015 in Computer, Security

ARM charts out the path to printed plastic chips – SemiAccurate

ARM showed off a unique M0 cored SoC at Techcon, it was a plastic chip. Source: ARM charts out the path to printed plastic chips >>>

Posted: December 13, 2015 in 3D Printers, Computer, Gadgetry, Processors

Standard semi-conductors and magnetism enable stable quantum computing

Using standard semi-conductor materials, a 1.5 Tesla external magnet, and lasers, researchers in the USA and Germany have successfully stored information with an electrons spin. >>>

Posted: December 13, 2015 in Computer, Processors, Quantum Physics

Alzheimer’s New Name: Type 3 Diabetes | Diabetes Health

When news about a startling new insight into the cause of Alzheimer’s disease first emerged in 2005, it was highly speculative. But now the evidence >>>

Posted: December 13, 2015 in Biological

Consumption of anthocyanin-rich cherry juice for 12 weeks improves memory and cognition in older adults with mild-to-moderate dementia. – PubMed – NCBI

Eur J Nutr. 2015 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print] Source: Consumption of anthocyanin-rich cherry juice for 12 weeks improves memory and cognition in older adults >>>

Posted: December 12, 2015 in Biological

Thinner, more-efficient solar cells – TES – Today’s Energy Solutions

Using high-power particle physics, Rayton Solar engineers demolish material waste in solar panel manufacturing – cutting costs by 68% while boosting efficiency. Source: Thinner, more-efficient >>>

Posted: December 12, 2015 in Energy, Solar

A simple invention that can seal a gunshot wound within 20 seconds is now FDA-approved

This is going to be a medical game-changer. Source: A simple invention that can seal a gunshot wound within 20 seconds is now FDA-approved

Posted: December 12, 2015 in Biological

Facebook User in Thailand Facing 32 Years in Prison for Liking Something on Facebook | Complex

This seems excessive. Source: Facebook User in Thailand Facing 32 Years in Prison for Liking Something on Facebook | Complex

Posted: December 12, 2015 in Computer, Security

MIT invents untraceable SMS text messaging system that is even more secure than Tor | Haktuts

Computer scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new SMS text messaging system that is untraceable and apparently even more secure >>>

Posted: December 11, 2015 in Computer, Security

Red launches the Scarlet-W, an entry-level 5K cinema camera

Source: Red launches the Scarlet-W, an entry-level 5K cinema camera

Posted: December 11, 2015 in Camera, Gadgetry