Physicists May Have Found New Fundamental Particle Of Nature | Here & Now
Physicist Kyle Cranmer shares what his team of scientists at CERN has seen and what this discovery could mean, if it’s real. Source: Physicists May >>>
Physicist Kyle Cranmer shares what his team of scientists at CERN has seen and what this discovery could mean, if it’s real. Source: Physicists May >>>
If you’ve been on-board with Windows 10 since July, you might be getting a little sick of the twists and turns this operating system >>>
The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has captured the image of the first-ever predicted supernova explosion. The reappearance of the Refsdal supernova was calculated from different >>>
GERMAN scientists say they have reached a milestone in a quest to derive energy from nuclear fusion, billed as a potentially limitless, safe and cheap >>>
Array BioPharma Inc said its experimental drug helped patients with a form of skin cancer live longer without their cancer progressing, in an ongoing late-stage >>>
The FCC has received more than 13,000 complaints so far related to Comcast’s data caps. Read the best of them here. Source: The FCC has >>>
The BBC’s Rupert Wingfield-Hayes finds Chinese fisherman destroying coral reefs in the South China Sea and harvesting giant clams. Source: Chinese poachers ‘destroying coral reefs’ >>>
As you read this AMD will have officially announced GPUOpen, a platform that offers open source tools, graphics effects, libraries and SDKs. Source: AMD’s Answer >>>
Bernie Sanders reportedly attests that a scheduled interview with CBS on agriculture was cancelled because Monsanto threatened to sue the network. Source: Bernie Sanders Interview >>>
Copyright strikes again, with photographers and publishers hit particularly hard. Source: UK citizens may soon need licenses to photograph some stuff they already own | >>>