Solar energy from discarded car batteries
An MIT development could benefit both the environment and human health. Source: Solar energy from discarded car batteries
An MIT development could benefit both the environment and human health. Source: Solar energy from discarded car batteries
Experts digging into the Juniper backdoor have determined attackers have subverted a NSA backdoor in the Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm used in NetScreen firewalls. Source: Juniper Backdoor >>>
Source: AT&T, DirecTV Deliver ‘Merger Synergies’ By Raising Rates In Perfect Unison | Techdirt
Hillary Clinton suggested that tech companies work together with the government to create a “a Manhattan-like project” at tonight’s Democratic national debate. Source: Hillary Clinton >>>
DARPA’s hypersonic glider sustained controlled flight at Mach 20 for three minutes. Source: Superfast Military Aircraft Hit Mach 20 Before Ocean Crash, DARPA Says
How does water on the surface of this bizarre material control UV light emission and also its conductivity? (credit: Mohammad A. Islam et al./Nano
ng Source: Why the DNC’s Actions Could Cost Democrats the Election | Progress Or Peril
Suspicious code found in Juniper’s firewall software underscores why governments shouldn’t be allowed to install their own backdoors in software. Source: Secret Code Found in >>>
The Turnbull government will spend more than $1 billion to make breakthrough hepatitis C cures available to all as part of an ambitious new plan >>>
The economic disparities of modern Britain have been put on stark display, as official statistics revealed that the nation’s already-yawning wealth gap has widened still >>>