Why Engineers Can’t Stop Los Angeles’ Enormous Methane Leak | Motherboard
A river of harmful gas is spewing into the air around Los Angeles, and won’t be stopping any time soon. Source: Why Engineers Can’t Stop >>>
A river of harmful gas is spewing into the air around Los Angeles, and won’t be stopping any time soon. Source: Why Engineers Can’t Stop >>>
The Home Office has refused to make Theresa May’s internet browsing history public under freedom of information rules, arguing that a request to do so >>>
A new species – and genus – of armored jawless fish has come to light in the Chinese rocks dating to the Pragian stage of >>>
Tony Lightfoot is one of a few dozen patients worldwide to undergo the experimental procedure that uses sound waves, magnetic pulses and radiation beams to >>>
Scientists have developed a new reusable polymer that can remove pollutants from flowing water within seconds, just like air fresheners trap invisible air pollutants in >>>
archived 26 Dec 2015 04:30:03 UTC Source: The Sanders campaign is taking its fight with the DNC to the next level
Source: Santa Claus in Linux Style: Top Linux Hardware and Free Linux/Programming Books & Courses Recommendations – The Linux Homefront Project
The oil cartel is living in a time-warp, seemingly unaware that global energy politics have changed forever Source: Opec faces a mortal threat from electric >>>
An HTTP Status Code to Report Legal Obstacles (Internet-Draft, 2015) Source: draft-ietf-httpbis-legally-restricted-status-04
Juniper was using a known flawed random number generator as the foundation for cryptographic operations in NetScreen’s ScreenOS and the safeguards it put in place >>>