Category: Computer Security

Why the DNC’s Actions Could Cost Democrats the Election | Progress Or Peril

ng Source: Why the DNC’s Actions Could Cost Democrats the Election | Progress Or Peril

Posted: December 19, 2015 in Computer, Security

Secret Code Found in Juniper’s Firewalls Shows Risk of Government Backdoors

Suspicious code found in Juniper’s firewall software underscores why governments shouldn’t be allowed to install their own backdoors in software. Source: Secret Code Found in >>>

Posted: December 19, 2015 in Computer, Security

Turnbull government to spend $1 billion on hepatitis C ‘miracle cures’ for all

The Turnbull government will spend more than $1 billion to make breakthrough hepatitis C cures available to all as part of an ambitious new plan >>>

Posted: December 19, 2015 in Biological

Inequality: Richest one per cent ‘have as much wealth as the poorest 57 per cent combined’

The economic disparities of modern Britain have been put on stark display, as official statistics revealed that the nation’s already-yawning wealth gap has widened still >>>

Posted: December 19, 2015 in Social