Category: Free Online Textbooks Reference

Electronics Learning Website

Posted: November 30, 2015 in Free Online Textbooks, Reference

Windows 10 Users May Pursue Class-Action Against Microsoft

Microsoft Windows 10 is liked by some, but many hate the new OS. Despite the mixed reviews, it’s no secret that there are several problems >>>

Posted: November 30, 2015 in Computer, Security

Revealed: FBI can demand web history, phone location data without a warrant | ZDNet

The FBI can use national security letters (NSLs) to force companies to turn over sensitive user data without a warrant, according to filings. Source: Revealed: >>>

Posted: November 30, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Security

Japan stuns world by announcing it will resume whaling in Antarctic Ocean despite ban

Source: Japan stuns world by announcing it will resume whaling in Antarctic Ocean despite ban

Posted: November 30, 2015 in Editorial, Environmental

Ban On Tuna Labeled Dolphin-Safe Shows How TPP Will Crush Consumer Rights – Shadowproof

The World Trade Organization’s push to ban the US’ labeling of dolphin-safe tuna provides us with a window into America’s dark future with the TPP. >>>

Posted: November 29, 2015 in Editorial, Environmental

Hackers can hijack Wi-Fi Hello Barbie to spy on your children | Technology | The Guardian

Security researcher warns hackers could steal personal information and turn the microphone of the doll into a surveillance device Source: Hackers can hijack Wi-Fi Hello >>>

Posted: November 29, 2015 in Computer, Security

When children are breached: Inside the massive VTech hack | Ars Technica UK

4.8 million records from a Hong Kong toy company were compromised. Source: When children are breached: Inside the massive VTech hack | Ars Technica UK

Posted: November 29, 2015 in Computer, Security

Mitochondrial Evolution Can Happen Much Faster Than Thought, New Study Reveals | Biology |

A new study published in the Biology Letters overturns the popular assumption that the mitochondrial evolution is only visible over long time scales. Source: Mitochondrial >>>

Posted: November 29, 2015 in Biological

India approves sale of generic Hepatitis C drugs

India has approved the sale of generic versions of hepatitis C drugs. The move will bring down the standard course of sofosbuvir and ledipasvir (generic >>>

Posted: November 29, 2015 in Biological

NSA to shut down bulk phone surveillance program by Sunday | Reuters

The U.S. National Security Agency will end its daily vacuuming of millions of Americans’ phone records by Sunday and replace the practice with more tightly >>>

Posted: November 28, 2015 in Computer, Security