Cancer cells can be programmed to become normal again – Quartz
Source: Cancer cells can be programmed to become normal again – Quartz
Source: Cancer cells can be programmed to become normal again – Quartz
Hawking presented his ideas at a historic meeting of the minds in Stockholm. Source: Stephen Hawking believes he’s solved a huge mystery about black holes >>>
John Naughton: Users complain about load times and third-party scripts, but if ad-blocking continues to rise, what happens to the web’s business model? Source: Is >>>
The extract of ginger ( Zingiber officinale Roscoe ) and its major pungent components, [6]-shogaol and [6]-gingerol, have been shown to have an anti-proliferative effect >>>
Source: Twitter shuts down 30 sites dedicated to saving politicians’ deleted tweets
One week ago, National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden was interviewed on the German television network ARD. What many Americans may be unaware of is >>>
We’re circled back to the beginning of computing, which means creating everything again. NBD. Source: Quipper Is a Language To Program the Nearing Quantum Computing >>>
Over half a century after the dawn of the space age, getting to space remains an epic challenge. Twice this year, the first stage of >>>
Source: Feds Keep Magically Finding Documents They Insisted Didn’t Previously Exist | Techdirt
Fuel cells and hydrogen batteries are already important sources of green energy, but further advances will require scientists and engineers to better understand how the >>>