China cracksdown on market rumours with mass arrests
Almost 200 people have been punished for offences including spreading rumours, the Chinese authorities said, blaming individuals including brokers and journalists for recent stock market >>>
Almost 200 people have been punished for offences including spreading rumours, the Chinese authorities said, blaming individuals including brokers and journalists for recent stock market >>>
The Windows 10 privacy saga moves to older OS versions Source: Microsoft Starts Collecting User Data from Windows 7 and Windows 8 PCs – Softpedia
MIT’s MultiFab 3D printer scans items as they are being printed and prints around inserted components. Source: MIT invents ‘breakthrough’ 3D printer that can print >>>
A major report from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) predicts a 40-60 per cent price plunge for certain battery technologies by 2020. Source: Energy >>>
Source: Hawaii’s Governor Dumps Oil and Gas in Favor of 100 Percent Renewables | The Nation
The discovery at Lampayannas may require historians and archaeologists to re-write the prehistory of Greece. Source: Bronze Age Greek city found underwater
It turns out, although the Canonical Privacy Policy is no where near as bad as the Microsoft Privacy Policy, it is still pretty scary. Source: >>>
Just listen to how difficult it was to repeat even one experiment. Source: Scientists replicated 100 recent psychology experiments. More than half of them failed.
Life may have begun with a spark — but if so, it wasn’t divine. Source: New Science Appears to Confirm a Theory That Could Reveal >>>
For the first time, aggressive breast, lung and bladder cancer cells have been turned back into harmless benign cells Source: U.S. scientists successfully turn human >>>