At 50 Cents a Pill, Allergy Drug Could Beat $1,000 Sovaldi, Harvoni
New research shows an antihistamine used for decades for allergies could be effective in treating hepatitis C. Source: At 50 Cents a Pill, Allergy Drug >>>
New research shows an antihistamine used for decades for allergies could be effective in treating hepatitis C. Source: At 50 Cents a Pill, Allergy Drug >>>
Source: Exciton, Exciton on the Wall | U.S. DOE Office of Science (SC)
The ruling is likely to be influential on EU courts’ thinking in future. Source: Shock European court decision: Websites are liable for users’ comments
The computer brains inside autonomous vehicles will be fast enough to make life-or-death decisions. But should they? A bioethicist weighs in on a thorny problem >>>
Humans are unlikely to be the only animal capable of self-awareness, a new study has shown. Source: Self-awareness not unique to mankind