Samsung, LG smartwatches give up personal data to researchers – CNET
In an era of identity theft and government surveillance, two smartwatches might not be doing you any favors keeping your privacy intact. Source: Samsung, LG >>>
In an era of identity theft and government surveillance, two smartwatches might not be doing you any favors keeping your privacy intact. Source: Samsung, LG >>>
A hack announced last week affected all current and retired federal employees, and hackers got their hands on much more personal information than previously announced, >>>
Source: Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis: Driverless Trucks to Hit Alberta’s Oilsands Region Replacing $200,000/yr Operators; Big Layoffs Coming
A study confirms a link between peanut and nut intake and lower mortality rates, but finds no protective effect for peanut butter. Men and women >>>