New research reveals Europa’s mystery dark material could be sea salt
gests the o Source: New research reveals Europa’s mystery dark material could be sea salt
gests the o Source: New research reveals Europa’s mystery dark material could be sea salt
Source: Scientists have discovered a new state of matter, called ‘Jahn-Teller metals’
Next step: 3D print the rest of the plane and miniature passengers. Source: GE 3D Printed A Working Mini Jet Engine
The Internet has been abuzz recently with reports that a NASA research team has made significant progress toward developing a propellant-free thruster system. But space >>>
And it’s about to turn the balance of power in cybersecurity on its head. Source: Quantum computing is about to overturn cybersecurity’s balance of power
A new report has contradicted accepted theory and suggested that tinnitus is caused by multiple areas of the brain and not just the part that >>>
New research strongly suggests that water delivery via asteroids or comets is likely taking place in many other planetary systems, just as it happened on >>>
If you want terabytes of storage inside your PC or laptop, then the traditional hard drive is still the obvious choice. 6TB drives are now >>>
Scientists from the University of Bern have been able to return daylight vision to blind mice by introducing an engineered light-sensing protein into their eyes. The process, >>>
The creators of the Otto, a hackable, animated gif camera are making a 1Ghz, open source embeddable computer that costs only nine dollars. Source: This >>>