College Has Gotten 12 Times More Expensive in One Generation | Mother Jones
Welcome back to school! Source: College Has Gotten 12 Times More Expensive in One Generation | Mother Jones
Welcome back to school! Source: College Has Gotten 12 Times More Expensive in One Generation | Mother Jones
Is developing lethal autonomous weapons systems that kill without human intervention unethical? Source: Robot wars will leave humans utterly defenceless warns AI expert
A new shape memory material stays strong even after tens of millions of transformations. It may finally pave way for widespread usage of the futuristic >>>
Chemists have discovered the key reaction that takes place in sodium-air batteries that could pave the way for development of the so-called holy grail of >>>
Source: Teens are fleeing religion like never before: Massive new study exposes religion’s decline
In the center of most galaxies (ours included) there is a supermassive black hole that holds everything together. However, one galaxy 10.5 billion light years >>>
NASA has unveiled how a spacecraft bound for Europa will figure out if the Jupiter moon has the right conditions for life, as many scientists >>>
Three physicists have proposed a new solution to one of the deepest mysteries in particle physics: why the Higgs boson has such a tiny mass. >>>
Source: Protocol corrects virtually all errors in quantum memory, but requires little measure of quantum states
Source: Scottish Government: creationism banned from science class