Category: Editorial

Scottish Government: creationism banned from science class

Source: Scottish Government: creationism banned from science class

Posted: May 26, 2015 in Editorial

How to make continuous rolls of graphene | MIT News

New manufacturing process could take exotic material out of the lab and into commercial products. Source: How to make continuous rolls of graphene | MIT >>>

Posted: May 26, 2015 in Chemistry, Nanotechnology

Living on Earth: Talcum Powder Linked to Ovarian Cancer

Talcum powder has been used for decades as a lubricant, in cosmetics and for personal hygiene, and for diapering babies. But studies going back years >>>

Posted: May 26, 2015 in Biological

After Senate Fails to Extend PATRIOT Act, NSA Begins Shutdown of Bulk Spying Program – Ben Swann’s Truth In Media

Last week, the Obama administration said that it would begin winding down the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of Americans’ private phone data i Source: >>>

Posted: May 26, 2015 in Computer, Security

Quantum scientists break aluminium ‘monopoly’ (Update)

Source: Quantum scientists break aluminium ‘monopoly’ (Update)

Posted: May 26, 2015 in Quantum Physics

Next Big Future: US Air Force looking to integrate combat lasers in fighters starting 2022 and for combat lasers in AC-130J gunships

Source: Next Big Future: US Air Force looking to integrate combat lasers in fighters starting 2022 and for combat lasers in AC-130J gunships

Posted: May 26, 2015 in Gadgetry, Military

Steve Wozniak: Edward Snowden is ‘a hero to me’

Source: Steve Wozniak: Edward Snowden is ‘a hero to me’

Posted: May 26, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Security