Category: Biological

‘First human’ discovered in Ethiopia

'First human' discovered in Ethiopia.

Posted: March 4, 2015 in Biological

Google Researchers Demonstrate Breakthrough Needed for Quantum Computing | MIT Technology Review

Google Researchers Demonstrate Breakthrough Needed for Quantum Computing | MIT Technology Review.

Posted: March 4, 2015 in Computer, Processors, Quantum Physics

NSA inquiry chief suffers phone tampering – The Local

NSA inquiry chief suffers phone tampering – The Local.

Posted: March 4, 2015 in Computer, Security

EARTHQUAKES: Okla. agency linked quakes to oil in 2010, but kept mum amid industry pressure — Tuesday, March 3, 2015 —

EARTHQUAKES: Okla. agency linked quakes to oil in 2010, but kept mum amid industry pressure — Tuesday, March 3, 2015 —

Posted: March 4, 2015 in Environmental

Japan’s WW2 ‘Musashi battleship wreck found’

BBC News – Japan's WW2 'Musashi battleship wreck found'.

Posted: March 4, 2015 in Military, Social