Never mind the selfish gene – ribosomes are the missing link
Never mind the selfish gene – ribosomes are the missing link.
Never mind the selfish gene – ribosomes are the missing link.
Only 25Mbps and up will qualify as broadband under new FCC definition | Ars Technica.
First new antibiotic in 30 years discovered in major breakthrough – Telegraph.
Eight new planets found in 'Goldilocks' zone: Two are most similar to Earth of any known exoplanets — ScienceDaily.
NASA spots massive outburst from our very own black hole – CNET.
Toyota gives away patents to build 'game-changing' car of the future – GeekWire.
▶ CRS-5 Launch – YouTube.
Next Big Future: Graphene can be used to collect hydrogen from moist ambient air to power fuel cells.
Fructose More Toxic than Table Sugar in Mice | University of Utah News.
A step toward a potential anti-aging drug | KurzweilAI.