Category: Computer Internet

South Korea Prepares for 10Gbps Broadband; Transfer 1GB File in 0.8 Seconds • Stop the Cap!

South Korea Prepares for 10Gbps Broadband; Transfer 1GB File in 0.8 Seconds • Stop the Cap!.

Posted: October 18, 2014 in Computer, Internet

China Hires As Many As 300,000 Internet Trolls To Make The Communist Party Look Good | Business Insider India

China Hires As Many As 300,000 Internet Trolls To Make The Communist Party Look Good | Business Insider India.

Posted: October 18, 2014 in Computer, Internet, Social

English version: Could be a damaged russian submarine | SvD

English version: Could be a damaged russian submarine | SvD.

Posted: October 18, 2014 in Social

Fukushima radiation nearing West Coast

Fukushima radiation nearing West Coast.

Posted: October 18, 2014 in Biological, Environmental

Cell-Like Structure Found within 1.3-Billion-Year-Old Martian Meteorite | Space Exploration |

Cell-Like Structure Found within 1.3-Billion-Year-Old Martian Meteorite | Space Exploration |

Posted: October 18, 2014 in Space