Category: Camera Gadgetry

£299 fps1000 High Frame Rate Camera Captures 840 to 10,000 fps (video)

£299 fps1000 High Frame Rate Camera Captures 840 to 10,000 fps (video).

Posted: October 7, 2014 in Camera, Gadgetry

Not on a Social Network? You’ve Still Got a Privacy Problem | WIRED

Not on a Social Network? You've Still Got a Privacy Problem | WIRED.

Posted: October 7, 2014 in Computer, Security

Inflatable private room to dock to ISS, commercialise space – CNET

Inflatable private room to dock to ISS, commercialise space – CNET.

Posted: October 7, 2014 in Space

Glucosamine promotes longevity by mimicking low-carb diet, study finds — ScienceDaily

Glucosamine promotes longevity by mimicking low-carb diet, study finds — ScienceDaily.

Posted: October 7, 2014 in Biological

Scientists discover cancer-fighting berry on tree that only grows in Far North Queensland – ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Scientists discover cancer-fighting berry on tree that only grows in Far North Queensland – ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Posted: October 7, 2014 in Biological