Category: Computer Security Transportation

Google’s driverless cars can’t spot potholes or drive in heavy rain | CityMetric

Google’s driverless cars can’t spot potholes or drive in heavy rain | CityMetric.

Posted: September 2, 2014 in Computer, Security, Transportation

How a new HTML element will make the Web faster | Ars Technica

How a new HTML element will make the Web faster | Ars Technica.

Posted: September 2, 2014 in Computer, Internet

The Police Tool That Pervs Use to Steal Nude Pics From Apple’s iCloud | Threat Level | WIRED

The Police Tool That Pervs Use to Steal Nude Pics From Apple’s iCloud | Threat Level | WIRED.

Posted: September 2, 2014 in Computer, Security

CDC Director: Ebola in Africa now an ‘epidemic,’ ‘completely out of control’ « Hot Air

CDC Director: Ebola in Africa now an ‘epidemic,’ ‘completely out of control’ « Hot Air.

Posted: September 2, 2014 in Biological

Time Travel Simulation Resolves “Grandfather Paradox” – Scientific American

Time Travel Simulation Resolves “Grandfather Paradox” – Scientific American.

Posted: September 2, 2014 in Cosmology

Android security mystery – ‘fake’ cellphone towers found in U.S.

Android security mystery – 'fake’ cellphone towers found in U.S..

Posted: September 2, 2014 in Computer, Security

Banks: Credit Card Breach at Home Depot — Krebs on Security

Banks: Credit Card Breach at Home Depot — Krebs on Security.

Posted: September 2, 2014 in Computer, Security