Flowing salt water over graphene generates electricity | Ars Technica
Flowing salt water over graphene generates electricity | Ars Technica.
Flowing salt water over graphene generates electricity | Ars Technica.
900 SINs stolen from Revenue Canada via Heartbleed – News – MSN CA.
TurboTax Maker Linked to ‘Grassroots’ Campaign Against Free, Simple Tax Filing – ProPublica.
StoreDot: Inside the nanotech that can charge your phone in 30 seconds | ZDNet.
Artificial blood 'will be manufactured in factories' – Telegraph.
First Graphene Audio Speaker Easily Outperforms Traditional Designs | MIT Technology Review.
Appeals Court Overturns Andrew “weev” Auernheimer Conviction | Electronic Frontier Foundation.
How the NSA shot itself in the foot by denying prior knowledge of Heartbleed vulnerability | ZDNet.
New radioactive leak reported at Fukushima on Sunday — Previous leak admitted to be “far more toxic” than public told — Over 80 trillion becquerels >>>
Experimental Hepatitis Drug Cures 95% Patients in Clinical Trial: German Researchers | News Tonight Africa.