Strange, newly-discovered exoplanet defies planetary formation theories | I Fucking Love Science
Strange, newly-discovered exoplanet defies planetary formation theories | I Fucking Love Science.
Strange, newly-discovered exoplanet defies planetary formation theories | I Fucking Love Science.
New superconductor theory may revolutionize electrical engineering.
The VASIMR Plasma Rocket: Bridging the Gap in Space Travel | Space Industry News.
JPMorgan warns 465,000 card users on data loss after hacker attack – NBC News.com.
FDA approves breakthrough drug for treatment of hepatitis C – CNN.com.
AT&T Says It Doesn't Have to Disclose NSA Dealings – ABC News.
Huawei Officially Gives Up On The US Market | The Diplomat.
HIV returns in "cured" Boston patients – CBS News.
▶ samsung galaxy s4 catches on fire samsung wants silence – YouTube.