Category: Computer Internet Security

Researchers say U.S. Internet traffic was re-routed through Belarus. That’s a problem.

Researchers say U.S. Internet traffic was re-routed through Belarus. That’s a problem..

Posted: November 21, 2013 in Computer, Internet, Security

A Basic Rule of Chemistry Can Be Broken, Calculations Show: Scientific American

A Basic Rule of Chemistry Can Be Broken, Calculations Show: Scientific American.

Posted: November 21, 2013 in Chemistry

The Rise and Fall of the Westerlies – Fairfax Climate Watch

The Rise and Fall of the Westerlies – Fairfax Climate Watch.

Posted: November 21, 2013 in Environmental

24,000-Year-Old Body Shows Kinship to Europeans and American Indians –

24,000-Year-Old Body Shows Kinship to Europeans and American Indians –

Posted: November 20, 2013 in Biological

Team uncovers secrets of Mars’ birth from unique meteorite

Team uncovers secrets of Mars' birth from unique meteorite.

Posted: November 20, 2013 in Space

Mathematicians Team Up on Twin Primes Conjecture | Simons Foundation

Mathematicians Team Up on Twin Primes Conjecture | Simons Foundation.

Posted: November 20, 2013 in Mathematics

Software patent reform just died in the House, thanks to IBM and Microsoft

Software patent reform just died in the House, thanks to IBM and Microsoft.

Posted: November 20, 2013 in Computer, Editorial

Navy: Acoustic Hackers Could Halt Fleets – Business Insider

cord so it ran via Navy: Acoustic Hackers Could Halt Fleets – Business Insider.

Posted: November 19, 2013 in Computer, Security

Bionic Eye Implant Will Become Available in U.S. in Coming Weeks | Singularity Hub

Bionic Eye Implant Will Become Available in U.S. in Coming Weeks | Singularity Hub.

Posted: November 19, 2013 in Biological

A Superconductor-Surrogate Earns Its Stripes « Berkeley Lab News Center

A Superconductor-Surrogate Earns Its Stripes « Berkeley Lab News Center.

Posted: November 19, 2013 in Physics