Physics – A Single-Atom Optical Switch
Physics – A Single-Atom Optical Switch.
Bigger than Google Fiber: LA plans citywide gigabit for homes and businesses | Ars Technica.
Surgeons describe new ligament in the human knee – KU Leuven.
IT'S ALIVE! IT'S ALIVE! Google's secretive Omega tech just like LIVING thing • The Register.
Internet Explorer 11: WebGL and more – Scirra.com.
The ‘Uncarrier’ keeps growing: T-Mobile adds over 1M customers, sells 5.6M smartphones | VentureBeat.
3D-printing encryption program disguises blueprints for controversial objects.
Finding the Higgs Leads to More Puzzles – NYTimes.com.
Physicists find black holes in globular star clusters, upsetting 40 years of theory.
Hub may get 1-Gig Internet | Hattiesburg American | hattiesburgamerican.com.