World’s smallest blood monitoring implant tells your smartphone when you’re about to have a heart attack | ExtremeTech
World’s smallest blood monitoring implant tells your smartphone when you’re about to have a heart attack | ExtremeTech.
World’s smallest blood monitoring implant tells your smartphone when you’re about to have a heart attack | ExtremeTech.
How NASA got an Android handset ready to go into space | Ars Technica.
Evidence of magnetic superatoms could open doors to new spin electronics.
BBC News – Dinosaur-killing space rock 'was a comet'.
Lockheed Martin Harnesses Quantum Technology – NYTimes.com.
Pre-Viking tunic found on glacier as warming trend aids archaeology – Science.
LED Styled Solar Cell Breaks Efficiency Record | SciTech Daily.
Potential Treatment for Ebola, Rabies Discovered : D-brief.
Planck's 'almost perfect' universe could point to new physics | Science | guardian.co.uk.