Quantum teleportation performed with light from a quantum dot embedded in an LED
Quantum teleportation performed with light from a quantum dot embedded in an LED.
Quantum teleportation performed with light from a quantum dot embedded in an LED.
Scientists print human cells on 3D printer – Technology News | TVNZ.
AFP: Miners shoot for the stars in tech race.
Herpes Virus Damages Memory, Cognition | Geekosystem.
Astronomers discover new class of supernova | The Space Reporter.
Is gravity not actually a force? Forcing theory to meet experiments | Ars Technica.
Reversing blood and freshening it up – Lund University.
Engineers develop nanofoams for better body armor, layers of protection for buildings.
Malten, a new synthetic molecule showing in vitr… [Br J Cancer. 2010] – PubMed – NCBI.
iPhone security: Software vulnerabilities found most in iOS | BGR.