BlackBerry World: Android apps account for 20% of BlackBerry 10 apps | BGR
BlackBerry World: Android apps account for 20% of BlackBerry 10 apps | BGR.
BlackBerry World: Android apps account for 20% of BlackBerry 10 apps | BGR.
BBC News – Neonicotinoid pesticides 'damage brains of bees'.
Linux use in enterprises jumps again: survey | PCWorld.
Solar System's Mysterious Rock Origin Puzzle Revealed | Interesting Things.
Aluminium-air battery can power electric vehicles for 1,000 miles, will come to production cars in 2017 | ExtremeTech.
Researchers find cicada wing structure able to kill bacteria on contact (w/ video).
Scientists examine nothing, find something – CSMonitor.com.
BBC News – Global internet slows after 'biggest attack in history'.
Physicists Measure Magnetic Moment of Single Antimatter Particle | Physics | Sci-News.com.