Berkeley creates the first graphene earphones, and (unsurprisingly) they’re awesome | ExtremeTech
Berkeley creates the first graphene earphones, and (unsurprisingly) they’re awesome | ExtremeTech.
Berkeley creates the first graphene earphones, and (unsurprisingly) they’re awesome | ExtremeTech.
Prieto Battery | 3D Lithium-ion Battery Technology.
The ALMA telescope has just made its first major discovery.
As Z10 preorders start, BlackBerry nets huge order for new devices | Mobile – CNET News.
U.S. Approves 1,100 Megawatts of Wind, Solar Projects – Bloomberg.
RPT-Pentagon weapons-maker finds method for cheap, clean water | Reuters.
Astronomers Observe Planets Around Another Star Like Never Before | Caltech.
Scientists discover how photon beam can flip the spin polarization of electrons emitted from topological insulator.
First Carbon-Neutral Biofuel Locomotive Under Development | The Daily Fusion.
News – VHIO. Vall d'Hebron Institute Oncology.