EFF wants software patents to include working code | The Verge
EFF wants software patents to include working code | The Verge.
EFF wants software patents to include working code | The Verge.
Proteins behind mad-cow disease also help brain to develop : Nature News & Comment.
Test drive: DC to Boston in a Tesla Model S – Feb. 15, 2013.
Asteroid 2012 DA14: First Images of Space Rock Approaching Earth – ABC News.
Oracle to Open Source iOS, Android Ports of JavaFX Soon – ParityNews.com: …Because Technology Matters.
How to Watch Tomorrow's Record-Breaking Asteroid Flyby of Earth | Wired Science | Wired.com.
Under the Hood of the World's Smallest, Cheapest Computer.
From many angles: Some damage: http://i.imgur.com/MJUGa4h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/LwGsxUb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/kTPOzoW.jpg More videos are coming in…..
nsf.gov – National Science Foundation (NSF) News – Artificial Retina Receives FDA Approval – US National Science Foundation (NSF).
NASA Busy Testing Orion's Parachutes and Rocket Engines | Autopia | Wired.com.