Explained in 90 Seconds: It’s Cold. That Doesn’t Mean Global Warming is Fake. | Mother Jones
Explained in 90 Seconds: It's Cold. That Doesn't Mean Global Warming is Fake. | Mother Jones.
Explained in 90 Seconds: It's Cold. That Doesn't Mean Global Warming is Fake. | Mother Jones.
Nicholas Stern: 'I got it wrong on climate change – it's far, far worse' | Environment | The Observer.
Anonymous Threatens Massive WikiLeaks-Style Exposure, Announced On Hacked Gov Site | TechCrunch.
Web inventor says governments stifling net freedom Update.
Next-Gen Video Format H.265 Is Approved, Paving The Way For High-Quality Video On Low-Bandwidth Networks | TechCrunch.
Researcher achieves breakthrough in building efficient single-photon detector.
Verizon Charging You More, As Bandwidth Costs Them Less | Techdirt.
150 kilowatt lasers will be installed in US Fighter planes as early as 2014.