Leaked: Next Gen XBox Durango unveiled
World Exclusive: Durango unveiled – VG Leaks.
World Exclusive: Durango unveiled – VG Leaks.
Toyota Prius topples Honda Civic as bestselling car in California [Google+ Hangout] – latimes.com.
If you need Java, use this one instead | ZDNet.
$900 Microsoft Windows 8 Surface Pro launches on Feb 9 | TG Daily.
DARPA Takes Aim At Space Junk – Government – Enterprise Architecture.
A close look at how Oracle installs deceptive software with Java updates | ZDNet.
Deep Space Industries will send 'FireFly' ships to prospect for mineable asteroids in 2015 | The Verge.
Ancient DNA reveals humans living 40,000 years ago in Beijing area related to present-day Asians, Native Americans.
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