Peak Oil solved, but climate will fry: BP report | The Vancouver Observer
Peak Oil solved, but climate will fry: BP report | The Vancouver Observer.
Peak Oil solved, but climate will fry: BP report | The Vancouver Observer.
Aaron Swartz, JSTOR: MIT can honor the Internet activist by fighting to make academic journals open to everyone. – Slate Magazine.
Asteroid 2012 DA14 will break records as it passes Earth in near miss | Science Recorder.
NASA launches space communications satellite – PhotoBlog.
Don't be confused by the 128GB iPad. It's not for you. | ZDNet.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute becomes first university to receive IBM Watson system | The Verge.
Spec Chart: Blackberry Z10 vs. Nexus 4 vs. DROID DNA vs. Note 2 vs. RAZR MAXX HD – Droid Life.
Keep it secret, keep it safe: A beginner’s guide to Web safety | Ars Technica.
IBM Security Tool Can Flag ‘Disgruntled Employees’ – The CIO Report – WSJ.