Category: Solar

The Question Day 8: What is the Most Difficult Issue Facing the Solar Industry?

It’s been a year of both continued expansion and mounting challenges for the global solar industry. RenewableEnergyWorld asked solar industry executives to share their thoughts and insights on one burning question:

Posted: October 11, 2012 in Solar

The Hillary Step: 7 Biofuels Contenders, 7 Routes to Scale, Who’s Near the Summit, Who Will Plant the Flag?

The Hillary Step. It’s the last big technical obstacle between a mountaineer and the summit of Mount Everest. Every biofuels contender has its own route to the top – with unique advantages and technical challenges. Who is nearing the Summit, what’s t…

Posted: October 11, 2012 in Biofuel

NASA Social Media Event to Celebrate the Final Journey of Shuttle Atlantis

NASA and the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex will invite 28 of their social media followers to a two-day NASA Social Nov. 1-2 in Florida.

Posted: October 11, 2012 in Space

NASA and IHMC Develop Robotic Exoskeleton for Space and Possible Use on Earth

A new robotic space technology spinoff derived from NASA’s Robonaut 2 project someday may help astronauts stay healthier in space and aid paraplegics in walking here on Earth.

Posted: October 11, 2012 in Robotics

Mars Rock Touched By NASA Curiosity Rover Offers Surprises

The first Martian rock NASA’s Curiosity rover has reached out to touch presents a more varied composition than expected from previous missions.

Posted: October 11, 2012 in Space