Category: Solar

Phoenix Solar Begins Construction of Volkswagon’s 9-MW PV System

Phoenix Solar has begun construction on a 9.58-megawatt photovoltaic system at a Volkswagon plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, which will be the state’s largest solar array upon completion.

Posted: August 31, 2012 in Solar

NASA’s WISE Survey Uncovers Millions Of Black Holes

NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission has led to a bonanza of newfound supermassive black holes and extreme galaxies called hot DOGs

Posted: August 29, 2012 in Space

NASA’s Kepler Discovers Multiple Planets Orbiting a Pair of Stars

Kepler-47 is the first double-star system discovered containing multiple planets, one of which is orbiting in the so-called “habitable zone.”

Posted: August 28, 2012 in Space

NASA’s Kepler Discovers Multiple Planets Orbiting a Pair of Stars

NASA’s Kepler mission has discovered multiple transiting planets orbiting two suns for the first time.

Posted: August 28, 2012 in Space

Family Statement Regarding the Death of Neil Armstrong

As much as Neil cherished his privacy, he always appreciated the expressions of good will from people around the world and from all walks of life.

Posted: August 25, 2012 in Space

41 New Transiting Planets in Kepler Field of View

Two newly submitted studies verify 41 new transiting planets in 20 star systems.

Posted: August 22, 2012 in Space

Transformed X-48c Flies Successfully

The remotely piloted X-48C aircraft successfully flew for the first time Tuesday at Edwards Air Force Base in California’s Mojave Desert.

Posted: August 7, 2012 in Space